The Ground Tour Project
The Ground Tour Project
Searching for a New Travelling Legacy
In order to think of a Ground Tour, try to imagine the educational patterns and values of the historical Grand Tour and situate them into the...
Luigi Ghirri and the Photography of Place
Modernity, ever since Baudelaire for literature, the Impressionists for painting, Wagner for music, has often consisted of the figure (antagonistic and secretly nihilistic) of unidirectionalism, demythologisation and desacralisation. With the consequence of the triumph...
Japan 99+1
“We are all travellers. So, how shall we best traverse the Japanese archipelago?
Here’s the answer.” — Hiroshi Hara, architect
A pineapple cake’s shop designed by Kengo Kuma; The “fastest museum” yet conceived in the world; A...
Invisible Architecture
Invisible Architecture, published last March by Silvana, is a volume created as a catalogue for the same-name exhibition, which took place last winter in Rome at the Bilotti Museum in Villa Borghese. Nevertheless it...
Eyes as Big as Plates
Eyes as Big as Plates is a photography series produced in collaboration with over fifty seniors from ten countries. Starting out as a play on characters from Nordic folklore, the series has evolved into...
A Genealogy of Modern Architecture
"A Genealogy of Modern Architecture - Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form" is the last book by Kenneth Frampton published by Lars Müller Publishers.
Rediscovering Italy Guides
Cultural sites and landscapes. The Rediscovering Guides by Il Mulino publisher.
Young-Old – Urban Utopias of an Ageing Society
Young-Old investigates the contemporary architectural and urban transformations recently occurred as a result of one of the most significant phenomena of our time: population aging. Deane Simpson, architect and expert in urban studies, defines...
La Forgiatura – Rigenerazione urbana: uomo, natura e tecnologia
Giuseppe Tortato, young Milan-based architect, presents in this book his own project, the redevelopment of the former heavy industry La Forgiatura. The book reveals, through the architect's viewpoint, the entire design process, from the concept...
The original imprint of Imre Makovecz, architecture master
The view of Hungarian architecture, developed favoring large historical phases of supranational importance, is presented as a continuous transition from the rule exception. At first glance, walking across beautiful Budapest, it would seem that the...
Juhani Pallasmaa. The introspective intrigues of a Finnish forest
Juhani Pallasmaa: architect and theoretician, among the most coherently modern ones without any modernistic fundamentalisms and one of the most fascinating explorers of the complexity of architecture.