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area 138 – MOCKBA 2.0

This issue is about Moscow, the symbol of urban emancipation of the East area metropolis and their claim on the world stage.

area 137 – chinese identity

The identity of Chinese architecture: a more conscious and reasoned architecture which experiments without aspiring to the iconic exaggeration and which reflects on the value of local culture.

area 136 elements

A reflection on the 14th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.

area 135 – grafts

"Grafts" consists of a selection of case studies that makes it possible to apply to a greater geographical area Cino Zucchi's suggested reflections for the Italian Pavilion at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennial.

area 134 clients

Area aims to highlight the importance of the client in the success of several major projects.

area 133+ wellness

Area 133+ explores the world of wellness design and architecture

area 133 chile

The issue will be devoted to Chile, a country engaged for years in a sort of urban metamorphosis in response to the fragmented city model determined by the policies of the nineties.

area 132 – exhibition

Reflection about the contemporary exhibition space architecture and the museography role in the digital era.

area 131 – fuksas

Monografia sul lavoro dello Studio Fuksas con progetti realizzati ed in corso d'opera

area 130 – gathering places

This number of Area focuses on architectures which represents and generates socialisation in the contemporary city.

area 129 – urban architecture

          presentazione/introduction Planning along the street text by Marco Casamonti editoriale/editorial Modernity of Via Novissima, Paolo Portoghesi a dialogue with Marco Casamonti and Vittorio Pizzigoni letture critiche/critical lectures Franco Albini and the reconstructionof the city of Parma: the method and the rule...

area 128 – informal community

            presentazione/introduction Informal community text by Marco Casamonti slum history: timeline by Laura Arrighi editoriale/editorial Re-thinking the informal city text by Rahul Mehrotra letture critiche/critical lectures Gran Horizonte: Taking a Walk in the Urban Planet text by Urban-Think Tank, Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner JR /...