Nature and Tradition testo Marco Casamonti

Strategies for living between heaven and hearth text by Nicola Flora, Gennaro Postiglione

The Tectonic Form of Sverre Fehn text by Kenneth Frampton

scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Bjorbekk & Lindheim AS/The Nansen Park
Brendeland & Kristoffersen Arkitekter/Housing in the Arctic
b+r/Broegger & Reine/Arena Bekkestua
Christian Dahle/Housing Bjørnveien 119
Helen & Hard AS/The geopark
Arne Henriksen/Hytte Øyna
Knut Hjeltnes/Farmhouse Rennesøy
Jensen & Skodvin/Service centre
Reiulf Ramstad Architects/Fagerborg kindergarten
Reiulf Ramstad Architects/Korsgata 5 apartament
Sami Rintala/Hotel Kirkenes
Snøhetta/Peter Dass Museum
Space Group/Kristiansund opera and culture house
Steinsvik Arkitektkontor AS/Passive Energy Houses
Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects MNAL/Summer House Vestfold2
Detoured Infrastructure - The architecture of The National Tourist Routes text by Karl Otto Ellefsen

cantiere/building site
Renzo Piano Building Workshop/Tjuvholmen Icon Complex

Olafur Eliasson and Snøhetta/“The other wall” at the Opera House
Jensen & Skodvin/Additional restrooms for DogA

Jens Praet/Vibeke Skar with Northern Lighting
Grete Prytz 1917/2010 text by Gennaro Postiglione

Architectural in Norway bibliographical journey
Greetings from Fjordbyen text by Alice Labadini

itinerario contemporaneo/contemporary itinerary Oslo itinerary

esiti concorsi/competitions

recensioni mostre e libri/exhibition and book reviews

new media

Nature as tradition

area 116 | Norway

From the uniform scenarios of an international panorama grown tired of spectacular performances with foreseen and foreseeable results, we are witnessing the emergence of local realities favoured by geographic, cultural…

Strategies for living between heaven and earth

area 116 | Norway

Strategies to live between heaven and hearth That architecture is a phenomenal instrument of political and economic promotion is clear to all ruling countries, and this phenomenon becomes even clearer…

The Tectonic Form of Sverre Fehn

area 116 | Norway

Fehn often emphasized tectonic form as a motif encompassing the entire building as in his brilliant Nordic Pavilion built for the Venice Biennale in 1962. He was also as much…

The Nansen park

area 116 | Norway

The park has been designed as a dynamic dialogue between the uncompromising linearity of the airport and the softer, more organic forms of the original landscape. The former terminal building…

Housing in the Arctic

area 116 | Norway

Svalbard, an archipelago sited in the Arctic Ocean halfway between Norway and the North Pole, is a special and magical place. Brought in to popular consciousness through Phillip Pullman’s “His…

Arena Bekkestua

area 116 | Norway

Arena Bekkestua is a multi-purpose culture facility for young people at Nadderud sports centre outside Oslo, Norway. The facilities consist of approximately 1000m2 interior and 3000m2 outdoor activity areas. Since…

The geopark

area 116 | Norway

Stavanger, the administrative centre of the Norwegian petroleum industry, has during the last 40 years accumulated significant physical and knowledge-based resources around the harvesting, processing and distribution of oil and…

Housing Bjørnveien 119

area 116 | Norway

Bjørnveien 119 is situated in the suburbs of Oslo, close to the denser city. The project has been conceived as a compact complex with the scale of a small-house development….

Hytte Øyna

area 116 | Norway

This cabin is in an area planned for holiday residences on the far north side of the island Tromøya. The landscaped is slightly hilly with protruding smooth bedrock, heath, moss…

Farmhouse Rennesøy

area 116 | Norway

The new farmhouse is placed around 150m from the old farmbuildings, not to disturb the completed cluster of these farmbuildings. The immediate surroundings have extraordinary qualities, large trees, stonewalls, a…

Fagerborg kindergarten

area 116 | Norway

Fagerborg congregation committed Reiulf Ramstad Architects to develop and design a brand new nursery at Fagerborg in central Oslo. An existing nursery and a park of both poor and inappropriate…

Service centre

area 116 | Norway

The Service centre contains a café, a kiosk, and restrooms. The cafe is only open in the summer season, from May to September. During the low season the Service centre…

Korsgata 5 apartament

area 116 | Norway

The apartment building is located in Grünerløkka, in an area called Ny York, today one of the most colourful and diverse areas in Oslo. The block is a rare remaining…

Hotel Kirkenes

area 116 | Norway

The town of Kirkenäs, in Northern Norway lies at the intersection of many cultures; here the Sami, Russians, Norwegians and Finns, that is, the Kvens, have long interacted with one…

Petter Dass Museum

area 116 | Norway

photo by Inge Ove Tysnes Petter Dass is one of Norways most important and beloved National poets. He was also the Vicar at Alstahaug church from 1689 until his death…

Passive Energy Houses

area 116 | Norway

Steinsvik Architects in Tromsø have pioneered the development of a new type of passive houses for Norwegian conditions. All units, at both sites, have a roof terrace and share a…

Kristiansund opera and culture house

area 116 | Norway

By amalgamating opera, library, school, voluntary cultural facilities, youth center, the new Opera and Culture House of Kristiansund represents culture in its most pervasive and innovative form. At the same…

Summer House Vestfold2

area 116 | Norway

The Summer house is located on the coast of Vestfold in the southern part of Norway. The house replaces an older building at the site. To get the planning permit,…

Detoured Infrastructure – The architecture of the National Tourist Routes

area 116 | Norway

Cultivation of the road system Norway is to say the least a challenging country in terms of terrain, and the road system was built up as a very fine-grained infrastructure…

Memorial of the victims of the witch trials

area 116 | Norway

Zumthor’s memorial design is a simple gesture, a 400-foot-long memory hall framed by wood with sheets of silk suspended within — one window and one sheet per victim, all women…

Viewpoint – bridge

area 116 | Norway

The Bergsbotn-project is part of the Norwegian National tourist routes project; unique drives through the most spectacular countryside Norway has to offer. The National tourist routes are being developed and…

Barbeque, ramp and parking

area 116 | Norway

The Tungeneset-project is part of the Norwegian National tourist routes project; unique drives through the most spectacular contryside Norway has to offer. The National tourist routes are being developed and…

eggum service building

area 116 | Norway

Eggum is a community which lies on the seaward side of Vestvågøy in Lofoten. The former fishing village faces directly out to sea, on a small, level strip of land…

jektvik ferry quay

area 116 | Norway

Despite the informal program the small service building on Jektvik ferry terminal the project is very much an experiment. Besides of meeting some very pragmatic functions – a waiting room…

viewing platforms & bridges

area 116 | Norway

The main platform is constructed by 25 mm laser cut steel sheets, cantilevered like a bridge around the cliff, hung in each end. The railing has a geometry that allows…

Strømbu Service Centre and Rest Area

area 116 | Norway

The 42 km Rondane Tourist Road goes on the east side of the Rondane Mountains from Enden in the south to Folldal in the north. The centre is situated near…

parking and small rest area

area 116 | Norway

The project is a redesign of an existing parking. The existing parking was very primitive and it also created dangerous traffic situations. The cars are placed in a half circle….


area 116 | Norway

The mighty Svandalsfossen waterfall lies on the National Route between Sauda and Ropeid, northwest of Saudafjord, at the innermost, northernmost head of the vast Ryfylke fjord system. The adjoining vista…

Tjuvholmen Icon Complex

area 116 | Norway

The Tjuvholmen development in Oslo is located southwest of the centre of the city and is a continuation of the Aker Brygge development built in the 90’s. The site of…

Grete Prytz 1917/2010

area 116 | Norway

Grete Prytz died on 25 September 2010, aged 93: in full activity and always with the same energy. I met her for the first time in 1994 and was literally…

Greetings from Fjordbyen

area 116 | Norway

Backed by a strong municipal government and a network of equally wealthy and visionary investors, Oslo has in the last decade ventured on a project of territorial transformation of a…